Sunday 15 January 2012

Review: MAC Prep + Prime Skin

Hey makeup junkies! I'm back with a review on the MAC Prep + Prime Skin. Although the name on the bottle itself is "Skin Base Visage", MAC calls it the Prep + Prime Skin on their webpage, so that's what I'll call it, too :) 

Anyway.. I've used this product on and off for two weeks, now. And I must say that I really like it! First things first: I does not make me break out! And this, my peeps, is a miracle, since it contains silicone and since silicone normally breaks me out bigtime. It also has a pump, which I'm grateful for. It's much more hygenic and I also find that a pump is the perfect amount to do my entire face.

The MAC Prep + Prime Skin also goes on smoothly and sinks into the skin fairly quickly. I also find that it makes my foundation glide on a bit easier. The difference might not be huge, but it's there. But the difference between wearing it and not wearing it does however become visible throughout the day. I have combination skin, and I find that this product keeps the foundation from sinking into the part of my face where the skin is dry, and from sliding off on the parts of my face that are oily. As a result, my foundation looks almost just as nice at the end of the day as it did when I put it on. And for that reason I will buy it again and again. So this product will definitely become a staple in my vanity drawer from now on.

+ Good packaging and has a pump
+ Makes it a bit easier to apply your foundation
+ Makes your foundation last all day
(+ Doesn't break me out)

- Contains silicone

In my opinion, this is a very good product. I think it will help your foundation last longer, whether you have dry, normal, oily or combination skin. The packaging is also sturdy and good for travel. 

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